Savills Careers

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Current Opportunities

  • Working within the dynamic West City Shopping Centre team, this role will see you provide Accounts Administration support to the Centre Management team.
  • Wellington
    We’re looking for an enthusiastic Facilities Manager to join our dynamic Centre Management team at North City Shopping Centre, Porirua.
  • Working within the dynamic North City Shopping Centre team, this role will see you provide Administration support across Centre Management, Facilities, Marketing and Casual Mall Leasing.
  • We are seeking an experienced Project Management professional to join our high performing and collaborative Project Management team in Brisbane as a Senior Project Director.
  • We are seeking an accomplished, dynamic and successful marketing professional, with a track record in residential real estate marketing, that is looking to step up into a Marketing Executive position.
  • Brisbane
    We are seeking a motivated Project Manager to join our high performing team in Brisbane.
  • An exciting opportunity exists for an astute and driven individual looking to step up into a Project Manager role.
  • A great opportunity for an Administration Manager to join the Retail Asset Management team at Coolalinga Central Shopping Centre in Darwin.
  • A fantastic opportunity for an experienced Facilities Manager to enhance their career with Savills in the ACT.